Troubleshooting Encounters

There are some common issues you may run into with encounters in Friends & Fables, here are some tips on how to get around them!

Written By Will (F&F Dev)

Last updated 3 months ago

These issues pertain to the current version of combat, but we will be revamping combat in the future to address these issues. This article is just a stop gap solution until we are able to fix everything!

Franz is not reading the character sheets! He is getting NPC stats or inventory wrong

There are usually 2 reasons Franz is getting something wrong:

  1. Franz might have hallucinated some information in the chat history, but the game state is not actually updated.

  2. We did not give Franz the right data.

1. Franz might have hallucinated some information in the chat history, but the game state is not actually updated.

Regardless of what Franz says out loud, the data you see in the UI is the truth. Franz might say that your friendly NPC has a sword, but unless there is one actually equipped in their inventory, the NPC will not be able to use it during a combat turn.

To make sure your NPC has their item equipped, view their character sheet and make sure their inventory is set correctly.

2. We did not give Franz the right data:

When using language models, we cannot pass ALL of your game information to the language model at once, otherwise it will get confused with too much data. For this reason, we selectively decide when to give Franz certain information.

He will have different information depending on the situation. For example, he will have different information when he is running an NPC’s turn than when you are asking him a question.

If you send a message and ask Franz a question during an encounter he should have access to:

  • All party characters AC, HP, equipped weapons (damage + range included) and armor.

  • Your equipped items and castable spells

  • The turn order

  • Enemy HP

  • Chat history

If you run into a situation where Franz is getting something wrong or he is missing information, its probably because the system is not passing it to him. If you think he should have access to something he currently does not, please submit a bug report with an event ID and let us know what he’s missing.

Franz got the enemies / friendlies wrong. Some enemies are not in the turn order.

Franz may get the initial encounter setup wrong sometimes - we will work to increase this accuracy over time. For now you should be able to fix this manually. See: Editing Encounters

Franz won’t update this stat or item!

At this time, Franz does not have the ability to update stats / inventory during combat. Arguing with him will not work here - you will have to manually update the data for now. We will be fixing this soon!