How Our Combat System Works - Attacks & Turns

Get a glimpse at the inner workings of our AI powered combat system

Written By Will (F&F Dev)

Last updated 6 months ago

Player Turns

Making an Attack

On player turns, you can make an attack one of two ways.

  1. You can talk to Franz and dictate your attack “I attack [target(s)] with [weapon or spell]”. Franz will detect your weapon / spell, as well as the targets, and ask you to confirm your attack. Franz may not be completely accurate if the text does not contain enough information. You can edit the attack before confirming.

If you are attacking with a specific spell or weapon, make sure you have it equipped or prepared. On your turn, Franz reads your equipped items and learned/prepared spells. Franz does NOT have access to your entire inventory / spell book.

  1. Click the Crossing Sword Icon to open up the Attack Panel. From there, you can choose your attack.

The system will automatically handle your attack roll, and the subsequent damage roll if you hit. Saving throws from spell attacks will automatically be handled as well.

Custom Attacks

Custom attacks are great for Homebrew campaigns. Playing a ninja? Add a jutsu!

Custom Attacks are also great for saving modifications to existing attacks, such as updating the modifier or attack type.

Favorite / Saved Attacks

You can favorite a custom attack, or edit an existing attack and save your modifications. To favorite an attack, go to the Custom Tab or Edit an existing attack.

At the bottom, just click Favorite Attack and then you’ll be able to find that attack in the Favorites Tab.

NPC/Monster Turns

NPC turns run similarly to player turns, but must be triggered by a player. NPCs will automatically handle attacks.